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Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7
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Free Addons
AI Form Generator
Create contact forms with AI prompts.
Columns / Grid
Create two-three-four columns form.
Conditional Field
Show or hide form fields based on Condition.
Country List with Flag
Add a country drop-down list with flags.
View data in WordPress Dashboard and Export.
Digital Signature
Add a digital signature feature to your forms.
Dynamic Text
Get dynamic value from the website.
Form Styler (Single)
Completely style form without any css code.
Mailchimp Integration
Send form submissions to a Mailchimp list.
Multi-Step Form
Create Stunning multi-step form with Contact form 7.
Pabbly/Zapier (Webhook)
Transfer form data to third-party services like Pabbly/Zapier.
Pre-populate Field
Send data from one form to another.
PDF Generate
Generates a pdf on submission and sent to email.
Placeholder Styling
Styling Placeholder text without writing any css.
Redirect users to a Thank you page after form submission.
Range Slider
Add beautiful Range slider fields to Contact Form 7.
Star Rating Field
Get feedback from customers by adding a star rating field.
Submission ID
Generate A Unique ID for each Form Submission.
Spam Protection
This helps cut down on spam form submission
Telegram Integration
Connect Telegram with Contact Form 7.
Woo Product Dropdown
Show WooCommerce Product with a dropdown.
Pro Addons
Booking/Appointment Form
Create a booking/Appointment Form using Contact Form 7.
Custom Column
Set form’s column at a desired width.
Conditional Field (Pro)
Advanced Conditional Logic for Contact form 7.
Conditional Redirect
Redirect user to a specific page based on condition.
Conversational Form
Create interactive forms that mimic a conversational experience.
Form Styler (Global)
Completely style all your Forms from One Place.
Database Pro
Directly respond to inquiries from your dashboard.
Frontend Post Submission
Submitted forms gets published as a new post.
IP Geo Fields
Autocomplete Country, City, State, Zip Fields.
Multi Step Form (Pro)
Generate a pre-design form to a multistep form.
Mailchimp Pro
Add an acceptance checkbox to your forms.
Range Slider Pro
Add beautiful Range slider fields to Contact Form 7.
Repeater Field
Repeat all kinds of fields. Mail tag supported.
Star Rating (Pro)
5 Built in Star Rating Styles + Font Awesome Icons.
Whatsapp + Tag Support
Pass submission data to Whatsapp.
Woo Categorized Product
Show Product Drop-down field based on specific Category.
WooCommerce Checkout
Product gets added to the cart after form Submit.
Woo Product Dropdown
Add specific WooCommerce Product as Dropdown.
Woo Multiple Product
Ability to choose Multiple Product from the Dropdown Field.
Woo Product Grid
Show your Products with a Stunning Grid View.
Save and Continue Later
Save your form data before submit and resume later.
Weekly Email Summary
Email Summaries, will allow users to receive detailed daily or weekly reports
Form Preview Submission
It allows users to review and verify the information they’ve entered before their submission.
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