Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7



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Contact form 7 Autocomplete Country, City, State, Zip Fields

Contact form 7 Autocomplete Addon will help you to set IP Geolocation based Country, City, State, and Zip Fields on Contact Form 7. The fields will be auto-completed based on the User’s IP. You can select specific countries and default country in country dropdown.

IP GEO Location

    Dynamic Location Selection

      Contact Form 7 Autocomplete Dynamic Location Selection

      This feature empowers you to dynamically select countries, states, and cities. Upon choosing a specific country, the system will promptly display all the available states within that country. Similarly, upon selecting a state, the corresponding list of cities within that state will be presented.

      Enable the Option “Dynamic Country , States and Cities Populate” in every field called Country Dropdown, City, and State.

      contact form 7 autocomplete

      How to Setup

      Watch this video to understand how to setup Redirection for Contact Form 7

      Want to use this feature on your WordPress Site?

      Glimpse of Backend Editing Panel (Click to Enlarge)

      Backend Field Settings UACF7 contact form 7 | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7
      IP Geolocation Option

      Need Condition based Redirection or WhatsApp Integration?

      With Redirection Pro, you can Redirect user to a specific page after submission based on condition. e.g. Condition A user goes to abc.com and Condition B user goes to xyz.com. In addition, You can also pass submission data to Whatsapp.

      Copy the Sample Code of the Above Form

      <label> Your City
          [uacf7_city uacf7_city-908 autocomplete:true] </label>
      <label> Your State
          [uacf7_state uacf7_state-875 autocomplete:true] </label>
      <label> Zip Code
          [uacf7_zip uacf7_zip-197 autocomplete:true] </label>
      <label> Email
           [email email-336 placeholder "[email protected]"] </label>
      <label> Country
           [uacf7_country_dropdown uacf7_country_dropdown-152 autocomplete:true] </label>
      [submit "Submit"]
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