Star Rating (Pro)
Add Star Rating fields to Contact Form 7. Star rating is the easiest and efficient way to get feedback from your customers on how good your product or service is. Good news! Now you can easily add a star rating to your Contact form 7, using Ultimate Addons for Contact form 7, within minutes. you can create a review form and display the testimonil using the addon click the button below
Don’t like the icon? No Problem. You can use any icons you want from Font Awesome (See demo above). Just add the Icon Class, that’s it.

Form Sample Code
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Style One) [uacf7_star_rating rating icon:star2 "style-one"] </label> [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Style Two) [uacf7_star_rating rating icon:heart "style-two"] </label> [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row] [uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Style Three) [uacf7_star_rating rating icon:thumbs "style-three"] </label> [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Style Four) [uacf7_star_rating rating icon:smile "style-four"] </label> [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row] [uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Style Five) [uacf7_star_rating rating icon:ok "style-five"] </label> [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Font Awesome Example) [uacf7_star_rating rating class:fab class:fa-angellist "style-six"] </label> [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row] [uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Font Awesome Example) [uacf7_star_rating rating class:fab class:fa-apple "style-seven"] </label> [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Font Awesome Example) [uacf7_star_rating rating class:fas class:fa-bread-slice "style-eight"] </label> [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row] [uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Font Awesome Example) [uacf7_star_rating rating class:fas class:fa-bread-slice "style-nine"] </label> [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] <label> Your Rating (Font Awesome Example) [uacf7_star_rating rating class:fas class:fa-bread-slice "style-ten"] </label> [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row] <label> Your Testimonial / Feedback [textarea your-message] </label> [submit "Submit"]
How to Setup
Review Form using Contact form 7
Ster rating pro will help to create a review form using Contact form 7.
Reprehenderit quasi

Select Form: Select which form you want to use for the Review form.
Review Style: Currently, we have one default style. we will add more style in the future.
Reviewer Name: Select the Field in which one you want to use for the reviewer name.
Reviewer Image: Select the file field for the reviewer image.
Review Title: Select the form field for the review title. it will display the review title.
Review Rating: Select the review rating field that will add the stars for the review.
Review Details: Details field will allow you to add the review descriptions in the review form.
Style options: You can add an extra class for the custom design. reviews can be selected to 2, 3, or 4 columns. if you enable hide disabled review then only admin-approved reviews will be displayed only to the frontend. if you enable show form then the form will display under the reviews. The carousel option will add a carousel slider for reviews.
Copy the Sample Code of the Above Form
[text name placeholder "Name"]<br />[uacf7_star_rating rating icon:star1 "style-one"]<br />[file file]<br />[text ReviewTitle placeholder "Review Title"]<br />[textarea review-details placeholder "Review"]<br />[submit "Submit"]