Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7



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Contact Form 7 Conditional Field Pro

Implementing advanced conditional logic can significantly enhance interactive elements like range sliders, star rating fields, country dropdowns, and IP geolocation features. By introducing customized conditions and rules, users can experience a more tailored interface that responds dynamically to their inputs.

    [Select Country - United States to see conditional logic of Country Dropdown]

    [Select Rating - 1 or 2 to see conditional logic of Star Rating Field]

    [Set Range Over 80 to see conditional logic of Range Slider]
    Forms Not Responding to User Input Dynamically?

    Enhance Interaction with Advanced Conditional Logic!

    With Advanced Conditional Logic, you can create dynamic, responsive forms that adjust based on user input. From range sliders, star ratings, and country dropdowns to IP-based geolocation, this feature ensures a personalized and seamless form experience for every user!

    Show or Hide Fields Dynamically

    Control which fields appear based on user selections, reducing unnecessary inputs and simplifying forms.

    Multi-Layer Conditional Logic

    Create nested conditions, allowing one field’s visibility to depend on multiple selections or rules.

    Customizable Form Styler

    With the Form Styler, you can adjust colors, fonts, layouts, and more, ensuring your forms look great on every device.

    Smooth Integration

    Enjoy full compatibility with a range of powerful addons, including redirects, columns, autocomplete, repeaters, and more.

    Smart Field Dependencies

    Enable progressive form completion by unlocking fields only after specific inputs are provided.

    Works with Multi-Step Forms

    Allow users to progress through steps conditionally, skipping or unlocking steps based on previous responses.

    A Sneak Peek of the Different Options for Conditional Field Pro

    (Click to Enlarge the Image)

    Take a closer look at how easy it is to manage and build Contact Form 7 conditional logic. Click to enlarge the image and explore the intuitive controls that give you full flexibility over your form's design and structure.

    Conditionals fields Backend settings

    To the Backend, it has an organized Conditional Fields,  you can set conditions for Range Slider, Star Rating Field, Country Dropdown,  etc.

    Conditions for Multiple Values

    You can set multiple conditions for a single field based on a field value. You can show or hide different fields based on different conditions.

    Setup Guide

    Watch the video to see how seamlessly it all comes together.
    sddefault | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

    Form Code Sample

    Simply copy the sample code below to get started with the form setup
    <label> Your Name
    [text your-name placeholder "Enter Your Name"] </label>
    <label>Your Country
    [uacf7_country_dropdown uacf7_country_dropdown-522 default:BD] </label>
    <small>[Select Country - United States to see conditional logic of Country Dropdown]</small>
    [conditional conditional-state]
    <label>State [uacf7_state uacf7_state-829 placeholder:Miami]</label>
    <label> Rate our Customer Support
    [uacf7_star_rating rating icon:star1]</label>
    <small>[Select Rating - 1 or 2 to see conditional logic of Star Rating Field]</small>
    [conditional feedback]
    <label> Feedback
    [text text-432 placeholder "Write how can we improve"]</label>
    <label> Please share your Satisfaction Range
    [uacf7_range_slider uacf7_range_slider-652 show_value:on default:20]</label>
    <small>[Set Range Over 80 to see conditional logic of Range Slider]</small>
    [conditional range-note]
    <label> Why did you choose this score?
    [text text-244 placeholder "Write a note"]</label>
    <label>[submit "Submit"]</label>

    Are you looking for Flexible / Custom Columns?

    With Columns Pro, you can Set form's column at a desired width e.g. Create three columns form with one column width of 12%, one is 27% and other 61%. Set as many columns as needed.

    FAQ for Contact Form 7 Conditional Field Pro

    Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact Us.
    My website uses Contact 7 forms, and I needed to go to a variety of conditional redirects to pages based on user responses in the forms. This plugin allowed me to do exactly that. It was simple to set up, and the user interface provided all the documentation I needed for future webmasters to understand what I was doing....
    des moines | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7
    DMC Historical Society
    User from WordPress.org

    The Conditional Field Pro Addon allows you to dynamically show, hide, or modify fields based on user input, making forms more interactive, personalized, and user-friendly.

    The addon enables form fields to appear or disappear based on user selections. For example:

    • If a user selects “Yes”, additional questions can appear.
    • If a user selects “No”, those fields remain hidden.
    • If a country dropdown is selected, another field can be triggered based on the choice.

    Conditional logic works with:

    • Text fields
    • Dropdown menus
    • Checkboxes & Radio buttons
    • File uploads
    • Range sliders & Star ratings
    • Textareas
    • Multi-step forms

    Yes! You can create multi-layered conditional logic, allowing a field to appear only if multiple conditions are met.

    Yes! The addon prevents hidden fields from being included in form submissions, ensuring only relevant data is sent.

    Yes! You can conditionally skip or display steps based on user input in multi-step forms.

    Please follow our step by step doc to install, activate and configure our columns addon.

    Yes! You can adjust form fields based on IP geolocation, country selections, or other user-based conditions.

    Discover More Powerful Features!

    Love this feature? You’ll be pleased to know that there’s a whole range of other powerful addons which works perfectly with our Contact Form 7 Conditional Field Pro Addon.

    Conditional | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

    Conditional Field

    Show or hide Contact Form 7 fields based on Conditional Logic, compatible with Checkbox and Range Slider.

    Conditional | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

    Conditional Redirect

    Redirect user to a specific page after submission based on condition. e.g. Condition A user goes to abc.com and Condition B user goes to xyz.com

    Save to Database | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7


    The Database addon helps store form data, view data in the admin backend, and export data in CSV format.

    Form | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

    Form Styler (Single)

    Style your entire form without any CSS coding, including colors, margins, button styles, and font sizes.

    IP | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

    Autocomplete Country, City, State, Zip Fields

    Set up IP Geolocation-based Auto Complete for Country, City, State, Zip Fields on Contact Form 7.

    WooCommerce | Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

    WooCommerce Checkout

    Choose a product from the dropdown field, submit the form, and get redirected to the WooCommerce Cart page with the product added automatically.

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