UACF7 is always Up-to-Date
We try to release at-least one update every second month. Check our previous changelogs
- Fixed: Mailchimp acceptance checkbox design issue.
- Fixed: Responsive issues on the add-on page have been resolved.
- Fixed: WooCommerce product dropdown multi-select issue.
- Improved: Added country flags for dynamic country selection.
- Improved: Mailchimp API connection notice.
- Improved: System stability for better performance.
- Introduced: “PDF Generate Pro” addon to download a PDF immediately after submitting a form.
- Improved: Migration from the “Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7” plugin to “Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7”.
- Improved: Migration from the “Redirection for Contact Form 7” plugin to “Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7”.
- Improved: Updated design structure of the “PDF Generate” addon.
- Improved: Added current URL host domain, URL path, and URL query string on “Dynamic Text” addon for.
- Improved: Security issue with the “Submission ID” addon IDs has been resolved.
- Improved: Enhanced flexibility to use any PHP date format on the “PDF Generate” addon.
- Improved: Resolved data migration issues in the “Database Pro” addon.
- Improved: Added guest posts and specified the post publish author settings on “Frontend Post Submission” addon.
- Added: A showcase of our other plugins on the UACF7 All Addon Page.
- Fixed: Resolved an issue with pre-populated redirection in the “Pre-populated” addon.
- Introduced: Email Piping to Database Pro.
- Fixed: HTML line break issue in emails.
- Improved: Weekly Email Summary.
- Notice: Transitioning the Booking add-on to legacy status and introducing a new booking feature soon.
- Updated: Readme.txt file and plugin information.
- Compatibility: Fully compatible with Contact Form 7 version 6.0.3.
- Introduced: “Save and Continue Later” Addon (Pro).
- Introduced: Weekly Email Summary Addon (Pro).
- Improved: Added four new conditions for conditional fields Addon (Pro).
- Improved: Specific email blocking in the Spam Protection Addon (Pro).
- Fixed: Spacing issue on the second page of the PDF generator.
- Introduced: Form Submission Preview Addon (Pro).
- Improved: WebHook functionality.
- Fixed: Conditional checkbox and “Hide All Conditional” issues in email templates.
- Fixed: Required checkboxes not working with hidden conditional fields.
- Updated: Handling of required checkboxes in hidden fields.
- Fixed: Resolved post-submission issues.
- Fixed: Fixed the star review functionality.
- Fixed: Addressed repeater field issues.
- Fix: Addressed minor bugs and resolved issues.
- Improvement: Enhanced license and Pro update notice feature.
- Improvement: Updated and refined tags tab styling in form settings.
- Compatibility: Resolved translation notice issue for compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1.
- Fix: Addressed minor bugs and implemented general improvements.
- Compatibility: Fully compatible with WordPress 6.7
- Compatibility: Fully compatible with WordPress 6.7
- Compatibility: Fully compatible with Contact Form 7 version 6.0.
- Improvement: Optimized and improved the overall codebase for better performance.
- Fix: Resolved issues with multi-step and form submission validation.
- Fix: Addressed deprecation warnings and fixed.
- Feature: Added support for multi-page PDFs.
- Improvement: Enhanced range slider functionality.
- Improved: Compatibility with Easy Table of Contents.
- Fixed: Step header issue in the Multistep Addon.
- Improved: Addons activation Notice
- Improved: Submission ID label
- Improved: Tag Panel style
- Improved: Assets management
- Improved: Column addon style
- Improved: License issue fixed
- Improved: Quick setup notice
- Improved: ACF field clickable
- Info: Banner info updated
- Improvement: All addons page
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- System stability improved
- Introduced: Mailchimp Pro (Pro)
- System stability improved
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Improvement: Submissions unique ID
- Improvement: Database addon pro
- Improvement: Conversational form
- Improvement: Mailchimp API connection
- System stability improved
- Improvement: Post-submission thumbnail size adjusted
- Improvement: Fixed past days booking issue
- Improvement: Repeater field issue resolved
- Improvement: Translation issues fixed
- Improvement: Radio field validation for multistep.
- Improvement: Radio field validation for repeater.
- Compatible with Tourfic plugin
- System stability improved
- Compatible with Tourfic plugin
- System stability improved
- Introduced: Database Pro Addon( Pro )
- Fixed: Issues with double slashes “//”.
- Fixed: Addon page reload issue.
- Fixed: Color picker issue.
- Compatible with WordPress 6.6
- System stability improved
- Improvement: System stability
- Minor Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed: Escaping and text-domain issue
- Fixed: Notice close issue
- Improvement: System stability
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Improvement: Country dropdown and repeater
- Improvement: Star rating review submission
- Improvement: Quick setup design issue
- Improvement: MailChimp addon upgraded
- Improvement: Optimized CSS/JS code
- Improvement: System stability
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed: Booking date issue
- Compatibility: Compatible with WordPress 6.5.4
- Fixed: Conditional Logic issue
- Fixed: Dynamic field issue
- Improved: Digital signature
- Improved: Import/Export process
- Improved: Repeater addon
- Improved: Quick Setup wizard
- Improved: Submission ID addon
- Improved: Spam Protection
- Improved: Column/Grid addon
- Improved: PDF addon file system
- Fixed: PDF file path issue
- Updated readme.txt
- Added: Spam protection feature introduced
- Fixed: Minor Bugs
- System stability improved
- Compatible with Impreza Theme
- Fixed: Minor Bugs
- Added: Plugin dependency notice
- Compatibility: Compatible with WordPress 6.5
- Fixed: Minor Bugs
- Fixed: Mailchimp warning issue
- Fixed: Repeater limit issue( Pro )
- Fixed: ACF conflict issue
- Fixed: Booking issue( Pro )
- Added: Disclaimer for Patchstack VDP
- Updated: readme.txt
- Fixed: Assets loading 404 issue
- Fixed: Sweetalert2 patch resolved
- Updated: Imported Data Converted into JSON
- Fixed: Digital Signature Conflict with DB
- Added: CDN and Local script Settings
- Fixed: Auto Scrolling to the top for Multi-step form
- Fixed: PDF both emails send issue
- Fixed: PDF body content image tag visual issue
- Fixed: Warning issue headers already sent
- Fixed: Conditional Checkbox issue
- Fixed: Switcher empty saved issue fixed
- Fixed: Digital signature conflict with DB and PDF generator
- Fixed: Placeholder Issue
- Fixed: Styler addon border issue Issue
- Improvement: Sidebar Menu Position
- Improvement: Added Preview URL for WebHook
- Added: New Feature Pabbly/Zapier (Webhook) introduced
- Added: Import Export Feature
- Improvement: A new option panel introduced
- Improvement: Quick setup introduced
- Improvement: System stability Improved
- Improvement: All the individual pro addons merged with UACF7 Pro
- Updated: readme.txt
- Updated: backup notice for v3.3.0
- Update Notice: Discover the latest features and improvements that are going to be released in version 3.3.0
- Update Notice: We are preparing to release version 3.3.0 soon, featuring a new options panel and several enhancements. As a precautionary measure, we recommend taking a backup before proceeding with the update.
- Fixed: Multiple Signature on the same page
- Improvement: Take out the signature confirm button
- Fixed: PHP Error Fixing
- Fixed: Minor Bugs
- Updated: readme.txt
- Fixed: Minor Bugs
- Fixed: PHP 8.0 Compatibility issue
Fixed: Multistep progress bar validation issue
Updated: Extended Notice( Black Friday )
- Added: Digital Signature PAD Height and Width
Fixed: Digital Signature translation issue
- Fixed: Missing Authorization issue on DB Addon.
- Fixed: Undefined variable issue fixed Telegram Addon.
- Fixed: Undefined Variable issue fixed for Telegram.
- Improvement: System stability Improved
- Updated: readme.txt
- Updated: Black Friday Banner
- Notice: Black Friday Announcements
- Updated: readme.txt
- Fixed: Database addon export CSV access control vulnerability issue
- Fixed: PDF generator file send issue
- Fixed: Dynamic Text issue fixed with Current URL with parameters
- Fixed: Multi-step settings save issue
- Fixed: Updated vulnerability issue
- Improvement: Code Structure updated
- Fixed: Repeater field export PDF into DB addon issue
- Updated: Doc details updated in admin menu
- Compatibility: Compatible with WordPress 6.4
- New Feature: Digital Signature feature introduced
- New Feature: Create contact forms with AI prompts feature introduced
- Compatible: AI prompts with Ultimate conversational form(Pro)
- Compatible: AI prompts with Ultimate repeater(Pro)
- Compatible: AI prompts with Ultimate Post Submission(Pro)
- Compatible: AI prompts with Ultimate Booking Form(Pro)
- Fixed: After booking time hide date issue
- Fixed: Submission ID Support Issue
- Fixed: Conditional Issue Fixed with Exclusive Checkbox
- Added: Telegram Integration with contact form 7.
- Added: Dynamic Location Selection to IP Geolocation addon(Pro).
- Improvement: Autocomplete Location User Permission updated(Pro).
- Fixed: Conditional Fields issue in the mail
- Fixed: PDF Generator tag value populate issue
- Fixed: Checkbox or Radio buttons conditional field issue
- Added: Condition field sent to mail based on condition.
- Fixed: PDF generator customize pdf line break issue.
- Fixed: PDF generator saving issue fixed.
- Fixed: PDF generator export to PDF database addon issue.
- Fixed: Reflected Cross Site Scripting( XSS ) vulnerability issue.
- Updated: Appsero updated Version 1.2.4
- Added: Ultimate conversational form new addon ( Pro )
- Added: Product dropdown ( Product Order By ) feature ( Pro )
- Added: Ultimate submission ID new addon
- Improved: Country dropdown addon country name changed
- Fixed: Conditional field addon checkbox exclusive condition issue
- Vulnerability: Sanitization and output escaping issue fixed
- Compatibility check with WordPress 6.3
- Compatibility check with WooCommerce 8.0.1
- Fixed: Pre-populated addon js alert issue
- Compatible: Pre-populated data Compatible with repeater addon
- Compatible: Country Dropdown compatible with repeater addon
- Compatible: Range Slider compatible with repeater addon
- Compatible: Star Rating compatible with repeater addon
- Compatible: Dynamic text compatible with repeater addon
- Compatible: Product Dropdown compatible with repeater addon
- Fixed: Media Upload file directory on PDF Generator Addon
- Fixed: Mailchimp tag base-type issue
- Fixed: pre-populate json parse issue
- Added: Order Tracking for product dropdown( Pro )
- Fixed: Conditional Field Checkbox issue( Pro )
- Fixed: Multistep js undefined script issue
- Fixed: PDF generator comma issue
- Fixed: Pre-populate Field condition issue
- Compatibility: WordPress 6.2.2
- Fixed: Multistep next previous button text issue
- Compatibility check with WordPress 6.2.1
- Compatibility check with WooCommerce 7.7.0
- Added: PDF generator Disable Header and Footer
- Fixed: Multistep Progressbar labels settings issue
- Fixed: PDF Generator Ajax Loading issue
- Removed: Console Message
- Fixed: The pdf generator header logo
- Fixed: The repeater value is not displayed in PDF
- Fixed: Admin CSS issue
- improved: Database SQL Query improve
- Fixed: Ultimate Database warning issue
- Fixed: Ultimate Database list order
- Fixed: Conditional filed issue fixed in multistep
- Fixed: File Size validation in multistep
- Fixed: IP geolocation conditional issue (Pro)
- Fixed: Range slider conditional issue (Por)
- Compatibility check with WordPress 6.2
- Fixed CSS/Js
- Updated: Appsero update
- Improved: CSS/Js Code
- Updated: readme.txt
- Updated: New Screenshots
- Removed: Unused CSS
- Updated: readme.txt
- Updated: New Screenshots
- Removed: Unused CSS
- Fixed: Repeater condition issue
- Improved: CSS Code
- Fixed: Styler addon Custom CSS Option issue
- Updated: Documentation URL updated
- Update: Documentation Content and URL update
- Fixed: Multistep ajax response error issue fixed
- Fixed: Redirect addon new tab issue fixed
- Added: file added
- Feature: PDF generator select send mail feature added
- Fixed: CF7 – 5.7.3 Multistep Closing tag issue fixed( replace end tag with [uacf7_step_end end] )
- Added: PDF Generator with repeater addon Feature added (pro)
- Added: Review Admin Notice
- Improved: CSS Code
- Fixed: Country Dropdown Autocomplete Issue(Pro)
- Fixed: PHP 7.2 syntax error
- Fixed: Minor Bugs
- Fixed: Notice issue
- Removed: Unused CSS
- Added: Star rating review page(pro)
- Fixed: Star review issue
- Fixed: PDF generator Checkbox and Radio issue
- Fixed: Mailchimp Tag issue fixed
- Fixed: CF7 V-5.7 design braking issue fixed
- Added: Country dropdown default country selected feature and specific country display feature added (Pro)
- Fixed: Range slider responsive issue fixed
- Fixed: Columns / Grid: layout css issue fixed
- Added: Product dropdown total price amount display before form submission (Pro)
- Updated: All addon Documentation link
- Fixed: Internationalization Issue
- Fixed: Styler addon Conditional issue issue fixed
- Fixed: Range slider step issue fixed
- Fixed: Columns / Grid: layout css issue fixed
- Fixed: Multistep logical and button css issue fixed
- Improved: Compatibility check for WordPress version 6.1.1
- Added: New Addon Pdf Generator added
- Fixed: Multistep acceptance validation issue fixed
- Fixed: Range Slider Label feature added (Pro)
- Improved: Compatibility check for WordPress version 6.1
- Fixed: Minor Bug Fixed
- Fixed: Mailchimp integration issue fixed
- Added: Apsero integration added
- Fixed: Compatibility check for WordPress version 6.1
- Minor Bug Fixed
- Fixed: CSS issue on multistep
- Fixed: Validation issue in multistep
- Improved: CSS/Js Code
- Conditional Fields: Fixed condition fields repeater addon issue
- Save to Database: Database export csv chrome browser issue
- Update: Compatibility check for WordPress version 6.0.2
- Added new addon: Ultimate Database ( Store Form data in to database, View data in admin backend, Export data as CSV format )
- Conditional Fields: Fixed condition fields repeater addon issue
- Multistep: Fixed Javascript issue
- Redirect: Fixed Javascript issue
- Multistep: Fixed File validation issue
- Multistep: Fixed last step next button issue
- Multistep: Fixed repeater validation issue
- Multistep: Fixed Multistep multiple form issue
- Repeater: Fixed repeater field validation with Multistep form
- Repeater: Fixed repeater field php errors
- Pre-populate: Fixed Chrome browser data display issue
- Added new addon: Pre-populate fields ( Pre-populate field data one form to another form based on form fields on contact form 7 )
- Added new addon: Dynamic text field ( Based on Current Url, Blog info, Current post info, Current user info and Custom Fields )
- Product dropdown : Fixed validate required field issue
- Multistep: Fixed validate required field issue
- Star Rating: CSS and JS issue fixed and required field feature added
- Repeater: Added an option to set maximum limit of repeatable groups
- Multistep: Added auto scrolling On/Off option
- New feature: Added product grid view layout for product dropdown addon(pro)
- New feature: Range Slider style (pro)
- New feature: Star Rating style (pro)
- New feature: Display product by tag for product dropdown
- Mailchimp: Fixed an issue
- Fixed file field validation issue with conditional field addon
- Added new addon: Connect with Mailchimp
- Compatiblity Check: Contact Form 7 – Version 5.6
- Fixed radio button issue with conditional fields
- Feature: Conditional field with Repeater
- Fixed multistep skin 1 responsive
- Added documentation links
- Compatibility Check: WordPress 6.0
- 3 New Pro Addon Released (Form tag Support, Global Form Styler, Conditional Logic for Range Slider)
- Option Panel Updates.
- Minor Bug Fixed.
- Fixed multistep field validation issue
- Fixed conditional field validation issue
- Upgraded documentation
- Upgraded design of form tabs
- Fixed an additional issue of Booking form pro addon
- Upgraded Design of the Settings Panel
- Added Complete Documentation Tab on the Settings Panel.
- Fixed Few Bugs of the following Pro addons: Booking form, IP geo location, Repeater, Woo checkout, Post submission
- Compatiblity Check: Contact Form 7 – Version 5.5.6
- Introducing: New Pro Addon – Autocomplete Country, City, State, Zip Fields (IP Geolocation based)
- Fixed codemirror js error
- New Addon: Country Dropdown Field with Flag
- Fixed multistep issue
- Fixed an issue
- Added multistep new skin
- Fixed an error
- Fixed additional bugs
- Compatiblity Check: WordPress 5.9
- Fixed range slider issue
- Fixed multistep next button issue
- Updated: Preview URL of the Plugin
- Compatibility Check: WordPress 5.8.3
- Fixed: CF7 Addon Dashboard Major Bug (Updated recommend)
- Introducing: New Pro Addon – Booking/Appointment Form
- WooCommerce 6.0 Compatibility Check
- Contact Form 7 5.5.3 Compatibility Check
- WooCommerce 6.0 Compatibility Check
- Contact Form 7 5.5.3 Compatibility Check
- Added auto-scroll feature with the multistep form
- Added style option for multistep buttons
- Added color to all the Ultimate addons tag generator buttons
- Fixed Field validation issue with conditional field and multistep form
- Fixed additional bugs
- Fixed an issue
- Fixed an issue
- WordPress 5.8.2 Compatibility
- Contact Form 7 5.5.2 Compatibility
- Introducing: New Addon – Custom Column Width (Pro)
- Introducing: New Addon – Repeater Field (Pro)
- Fixed a glitch of Multi Step Form Field
- Introducing: New Addon – Conditional Redirect for Contact Form 7 (Pro)
- Fixed a glitch of Multi-Step Form Field
- Added Range Slider Field
- Fixed some compatibility issues with Multi-Step Form Field
- Updated Documentation Tab
- Added Style Fix for Star Rating
- Added Documentation Tab
- Added Style Fix for Star Rating
- Added Star Rating Pro Support.
- Added Star Rating Fields
- Added Conditional Logic support for Checkbox and Radio Buttons
- Fixed some compatibility issues.
- Fixed some style issues
- Added Frontend Post Submission (Pro)
- WordPress 5.8 Compatiblity Check
- Contact Form 7 5.4.2 Compatiblity Check
- Fixed: Columns Last Child Margin Right Issue.
- Fixed: Multistep Form Style Issue.
- Fixed: Conflict with Elementor Page Builder.
- Tested Contact Form 7 version 5.4.1 Compatibility
- Added New Addon: Contact form 7 Multi-step Form
- Fixed Column Addon CSS Issue
- Tested WP 5.7.2 Compatibility
- Added New Addon: Contact form 7 WooCommerce Product Dropdown
- Added Pro version options
- Few minor improvement
- Few style improvement
- Fixed: Padding and margin issue on Column Settings
- Few style improvement
- Tested WP 5.7 Compatibility
- Few minor improvement
- Few minor improvement
- Added New Addon: Contact form 7 Styling
- Fixed Style of Placeholder Panel
- Added New Addon: Contact form 7 Placeholder Styling
- Fixed Minor Issues
- Fixed Settings panel redirection issue
- Added WP 5.6.1 Compatibility
- Few minor improvement
- Initial Release