UACF7 Free & Pro Comparison​

We believe the free version is good enough for most businesses. However, the Pro version consists of several advanced features to boost your sales more. Confused about what to choose? See the comparison below.

Feature List Free Pro
AI Form Generator
Columns / Grid
Conditional Field
Country Dropdown with Flag
Digital Signature
Dynamic Text
Form Styler (Single)
Mailchimp Integration
Multi-Step Form
Pabbly/Zapier (Webhook)
Pre-populate Field
PDF Generate
Placeholder Styling
Range Slider
Star Rating Field
Submission ID
Telegram Integration
Woo Product Dropdown
Booking/Appointment Form
Column: Custom Width
Conditional Field (Pro)
Conditional Redirect
Conversational Form
Form Styler (Global)
Frontend Post Submission
IP Geo Fields (Autocomplete Country, City, State, Zip Fields)
Multi-step Form (Pro)
Range Slider Pro
Repeater Field
Star Rating Field (Pro)
Whatsapp Integration + CF7 Tag Support
WooCommerce Pro (Product Dropdown, Multiple Product, Categorize Product)
WooCommerce Checkout
Download Free Buy Pro Now
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